5 Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Do you ever find yourself slumped over at your desk or in your car? Catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or in a picture and are unhappy with your posture. There are a multitude of negative affects poor posture can have on the body ranging from neck and back pain to poor sleep.

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“Stand up Straight”

Good news: Physical Therapists can help ease much of this pain and discomfort and improve your posture. Here are five exercises to start with to improve your posture!

  1. Chin Tucks. Sit in a chair with feet flat on the floor. Relax your shoulders. Look straight ahead. Gently glide your chin straight back like you are trying to make a double chin. Hold for 5 seconds. Then relax. Repeat this 10 times. Do this twice a day.
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2. Shoulder Blade Squeezes. Sit on the edge of a chair or a backless chair. Sit upright. Pull your shoulder blades together with elbows bent at 90 degrees by your side. Hold this squeeze for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Do this twice a day.

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3. Abdominal Bracing. This is an exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles and improve posture in the low back area. Here is a great explanation on how to perform this exercise. Hold stomach in “belly button to spine” for 5 seconds and perform 10 times. Do this exercise 2 times a day.

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4. Doorway Chest Stretch. Stand in an open doorway. Raise each arm up to the side with elbows bent at 90-degrees angles with palm forward. Rest your palms on the door frame. Slowly step forward with one foot until you feel a light pill/stretch across chest area. Hold 20-30 seconds. Perform 5 times. Do this twice a day.

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5. Wall Angel Exercise. Standing with your heels, butt and back and head flat against the wall. Bring your arms back against the wall at 90 degrees. Slowly slide your arms up over your head, while maintaining contact with the wall. Once, overhead, slide your arms down while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Do this exercise 10 times. Perform twice a day.

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Perform these five exercises twice a day. Make note of your posture throughout the day. Bad posture is a result of a bad habit. Glance at your posture when walking by a mirror. If working at a desk throughout the day or driving, set a reminder every hour to observe your posture and make corrections. CONSISTENCY is KEY to improving your posture! Stay consistent and aware of you posture and you will see results

If you have pain with the performance of these exercises or have barriers to performing these exercises, stop the exercise and contact your doctor or physical therapist. Physical Therapists are movement specialists that can address your individual needs and improve your posture and mobility. Give us a call 843-637-0225!

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