Walking for Better Health

Walking is a free or low-cost way of getting physical activity. You don’t need special equipment, clothing, facilities, or training. Walking daily can significantly reduce your mortality rate.

A recent study in JAMA reports:

  • Adults who took 8,000 or more steps a day had a reduced risk of death over the following decade than those who only walked 4,000 steps a day.
  • Step intensity (number of steps per minute) didn’t influence the risk of death, suggesting that the total number of steps per day is more important than intensity.


Betty C. Jung's Web site...... Consumer Health Information -  Fitness}}}}==========>>>>||||||<<<<=========={{]

According to the Mayo Clinic, the average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, or roughly 1.5 to 2 miles. On average 2000 steps is equivalent to 1 miles. So, 8000 steps is equivalent to approximately 3.6-4 miles. This distance on average is equivalent to a 60-80 minute brisk walk.

A fitness/activity tracker or a pedometer is a great way to keep track of your steps. There are also several free apps you can download to your phone such as Pedometer++ and Pedometer and Step Counter.

Web MD has created a great walking plan to get started if you are a beginner! See below:

Walking | Walking: How to Make It a Workout - Walk

If you sit most of the day or work at a desk all day, get up every hour and take a 5 min brisk walk. You will be surprised how many steps you can accumulate throughout the day and how much better you feel!

If you are having trouble getting started and pain or an injury is preventing you from walking, give us a call! Physical therapy can address pain and injury and get you started on a great walking program!

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