6 Steps to Prevent a Fall

Falling is not a normal part of aging. One in four Americans age 65 and older fall each year. Falls threaten your safety and independence as a senior and can greatly affect your quality of life. Through lifestyle adjustments, home modification and taking part in a fall prevention program encompassing exercise, the frequency of falls in seniors can be significantly reduced. Here are 6 steps to combat falling according to the National Council on Aging:

  1. STAY ACTIVE! Find a balance or exercise program to take part in. Being physically active can go a long way in fall prevention. Exercise helps keep your muscles strong and reduces sarcopenia, age-related loss in muscle mass. Regular exercise will also improve your balance, endurance, increase flexibility and in turn prevent falls. Physical therapists are movement experts that will assess you needs and comprise a comprehensive program to address your needs and barriers to regular exercise. Check out my article on 5 Exercises to Improve your Balance.
  2. Talk to your health care provider. Your health care provider can assess your risk of falling. Tell your provider about your recent falls or near falls this will help with their comprehensive assessment!
  3. Review your medications. Some medications may affect your balance or cause dizziness which will increase your risk for falls. By sharing your symptoms, past fall or near falls, the doctor or pharmacist can assess whether the side effects are increasing your risk for falls. As always, take your medications only as prescribed. If you are having trouble organizing your medications or remembering to take them, a pill box is a very helpful tool.
This pill box helps you keep your medications organized daily by morning and night compartments.
This pill box provides a timer for reminders as to when to take your medications.

4. Check your ears and eyes! Get your vision and hearing checked annually. Make sure you update your eyeglasses yearly. Your vision plays a big roll in your balance.

5. Keep your home safe. Maintaining a clear path throughout the home, having proper lighting, making your stairs safe and installing grab bars are just a few ways to maintain and provide a safe home environment. Check out my article on Home modifications to prevent falls for more information!

6. Talk with your family members or loved ones. Recruit the support of loved ones, neighbors and your community to take these simple steps to stay safe. Getting support in areas of your daily life that are difficult for you, can help prevent falls. Meals services to help with meal preparation, getting help cleaning the house, installing grab bars, and with yard maintenance are just a few examples. Your local Area on Aging may help provide resources.

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